Friday, August 30, 2013

More Peeking At Take Wing

Friday Greetings!

As Tricia is putting together the fourteen ALSB pages for the upcoming Take Wing Collection, I can't help but peek over her shoulder. (I can do that because I'm tall. Ha!). I thought I'd share some of my sneak peeks today.

I don't think I'm giving away too much, I'm just showing off some of the fun quotes on the Cutaparts and rubber stamps. Right?

I hope one of these Take Wing quotes makes your day a little happier. Enjoy! And thanks, Tricia, for letting me peek over your shoulder during this creative process.



  1. WOOHOO! Love this kit!!!! Thanks for the sneaky peaks Kay!!

  2. Oh, man, Kay . . . you really let the cat out of the bag this time! I'm lovin' everything about the Take Wing collection. There goes the paycheck . . . AGAIN!

  3. When do we get to see all of the kits ??

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Probably the 3rd, due to the holiday

    3. Right, on the 3rd you'll see more in the Gotta Have More Department for sure.

  4. So excited to receive this kit! The digital kit will arrive a lot faster then the paper kit, which may be more than a week from now, due to the holiday.

  5. I really like what I see so far. Tuesday seems so far away.

  6. Oh, another favorite kit is on it's way with my favorite color green. It all looks very interesting!Thanks for the peek, Kay!

  7. So glad I decided to start getting the digi kit again....lovin these quotes.

  8. gotta love it when a couple of the quotes actually made me laugh out loud...not the LOL that people type when they think something is worth a giggle...nope I laughed out loud when I read the one about trying to be normal was the worst 2 minutes of my life...I love that!!! Oh and there being a ball somewhere and I'm on it!!!

  9. I really like the red and white ribbon and the Morgan Freeman quote, heehee.

  10. our own Singer is the author on the "Ball" quote. i asked him if he'd done some work on the video for the Aug Retreat - not that i didn't think he was on the ball; i just wanted to ease everyone's mind . . . and he said "yep - somewhere there's a ball, and i'm on it".

    i thought it'd make a cute stampie so i tossed it in the collection, hehhehe.

    1. What an awesome story, Jac! And, thank you, Singer!!!

  11. Luv these quotes .....they make me smile !! And gotta have the bird brads . !!

  12. Love it more with each tidbit of information!

  13. Ugh, and even though I usually get it the day after it ships I'm supposed to be on the road for New Mexico by 6 a.m. that day so I won't see it in person for nearly 2 weeks, and I SOOOO want to get my hands on this one!

  14. Ugh, and even though I usually get it the day after it ships I'm supposed to be on the road for New Mexico by 6 a.m. that day so I won't see it in person for nearly 2 weeks, and I SOOOO want to get my hands on this one!

  15. OMG I looked at a spoiler!! That is a FIRST for me but I couldn't help it. I LOVE that "normal" quote! I used to tell my kids "normal is a setting on the dryer." I like this so much better! Ha!

  16. OMG I looked at a spoiler!! That is a FIRST for me but I couldn't help it. I LOVE that "normal" quote! I used to tell my kids "normal is a setting on the dryer." I like this so much better! Ha!

  17. Jac, I'm so glad you explained the "ball" quote before I had to embarrass myself and ask. I didn't get it - but now I do! :) Cute. Sounds like Singer...

  18. I just returned to CS since 2010 with the Tribal Kit. It's amazing how much I'm looking forward to the new kit. Someone mentioned the bird brad. Please say it comes with the kit! If not I'll be GHMing as soon as they're out. I've enjoyed reading all the comments and seeing the spoiler. How did I stay away so long?

  19. Holy scrap, those are gooooood!!!


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