Wednesday, January 9, 2013

More Font Fun

Hiya! As Tricia mentioned's "Font Week" here at Club Scrap. Didn't you just love her awesome video? So clever, that Tricia!

So now you know how awesome our unmounted Font stamps are for page titles, but did you know they are great for cards, too?

A while back (June of 2011, to be exact), Tricia did a blog post on using our UM font stamps to create fun vanity license plate-inspired cards. Here are some of her samples, using the Assembly Line Cardmaking Idea Deck Volume 2, and papers and unmounted font stamps from our Bridges collection.

Aren't they cool? I just knew this concept was perfect for a birthday card for my niece, who is turning 21 on January 25. After all, at that age it's all about texting and Facebook, and the license plate style ties in perfectly with texting shorthand, right? So here's my card (inspired by Tricia's blog post), using the UM Font from Avant Garde (which is still available online if you like it). I even embossed the letters with black EP to reinforce the look of raised letters on a license plate. Coupled with some bright papers from my CS stash and a bold circle image from the Full Circle UM Borders & Backgrounds stamps, I think it's just the ticket...what do you think?

So, I guess what I'm saying is, if you haven't already, give our UM Font stamps a try. They are at impossibly low prices during the sale, going on now.

Creatively yours,



  1. such enablers - between here and the coffehouse I wound up buying more stamps - hehe

    1. Enabling others is what helps justify my own addiction...isn't that true of most of us? LOL. ;)

  2. Lovely Karen and terrific idea. Thank you very much.


  3. Cute card! Love the ideas.

  4. Great cards Karen. I just happened to have done this technique when I couldn't find a good greeting to use on my cards for my in laws stationary sets. Love it!

  5. Maybe I'm too tired tonight but what is
    "BN ME8EZ" LOL


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